+ Does my child need a referral for therapy services?
In the majority of cases, a doctor's referral is not required to schedule an evaluation. There are a few insurance policies that require prior authorization from a doctor before attending the evaluation; however, this information is policy specific. If you have concerns regarding your child's development, give us a call/text at 208-466-1077.
+ How do I know if my child would benefit from therapy?
A quick browse through the developmental milestones is an easy way to check whether your child is meeting the appropriate milestones for their age. Scheduling an evaluation in the area(s) of concern for your child will provide you with a clear picture of your child's strengths and potential needs. The evaluating therapist will recommend therapy or inform you that your child's skills are comparable with other children's skills their age. If you have any concerns about your child, an evaluation is highly recommended!
+ How long does therapy take?
How long a child is enrolled in therapy is dependent upon multiple factors, many of which are unpredictable. Severity of deficits, consistency of therapy attendance, and amount of home follow-through are some of the factors. Our therapists evaluate yearly and complete progress reports every 6 months in order to track goal progress and your child's skills compared to other children their age.
+ How long is a therapy session?
Session lengths can vary depending upon age of the child, type of service as well as severity of need. Speech/language sessions are 30 minutes in length, while occupational and physical therapy sessions can range between 30-60 minutes in length.
+ What type of therapy do you offer?
We offer individual speech-language, occupational, and physical therapy services for children ages birth-21. Within those disciplines, some specialty areas include tongue thrust, sensory/behavior, feeding, AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication), etc. Small group therapy sessions are often available for social skills, preschool language, and life skills. Additionally, our Learning Academy is targeted for school aged children who are smart, but struggling in school. We treat a variety of students with or without diagnoses of learning disabilities including Dyslexia, auditory processing disorders, and more by determining and fixing the root cause(s) of the struggles and remediating academics as well.
+ Does Chatterbox accept insurance? How much does therapy cost?
Chatterbox operates two major lines of service; Pediatric Therapy and Learning Academy. Chatterbox accepts major insurance company policies as well as Medicaid for Pediatric Therapy. Under certain circumstances, Chatterbox does offer private pay rates for pediatric therapy; however, the price depends upon the type of service (evaluation/therapy) and the form of therapy (speech/language, occupational, physical). Chatterbox Learning Academy is an individualized, private pay cognitive training solution that is not covered by insurance or Medicaid. If you have questions regarding your cost, our office staff reviews plan specific information with you prior to the evaluation or beginning therapy.
+ Do you have a waitlist? I want to help my child as soon as possible!
We want to help your child as soon as possible, too. Chatterbox maintains a waitlist as a way of organizing our evaluations and scheduling them in the order that they were tested. Depending on your availability and the discipline, it should take no longer than 1-3 weeks to schedule a weekly appointment. If we have an immediate opening that matches your availability, we'll give you a call shortly after the evaluation. If we are unable to immediately accommodate your schedule request, we'll place you on our waitlist. Wait times depend on the type of therapy services needed and your family's availability.
+ How do I explain therapy to my child?
It is important to explain at an age dependent level and focus on the positive! Pediatric therapy—whether speech-language, occupational, physical—is a special tool to help develop areas in which a child struggles. Receiving therapy helps develop your child's skills so they are better communicators, have increased attention/focus, are able to keep up with their friends on the playground, etc.
Here are some examples:
"Chatterbox is a safe place for you to learn new skills with your therapist."
"You know how teachers help you learn? That's the same for your therapist! Their job is to teach you special skills so that you can become the best you can be!"
"Your therapist will help you (say your sounds better, build strong muscles, improve your focus, communicate your feelings, etc.)!"
"Many kids out there need a little extra help. We're glad we've found some friends to help!"
+ How do I talk to my family about therapy for my child?
This is totally dependent on how comfortable and open your family is regarding sharing personal health information. It can be difficult to share with others that your child might be struggling with certain skills. Stay positive and remember that you've made a huge step in the right direction to provide your child with the support they need!
Here are some examples:
"Your brother is playing with/working with his therapist to help him (say his sounds better, build strong muscles, improve his focus, communicate his feelings, etc.)!"
"Sometimes kids need a little extra help learning special skills, and we're glad we found someone who can help!"
"We had Johnny's skills tested to see how he was doing compared to other kids his age. He does well with putting words together, but it is hard for him to say some of the sounds correctly."
+ Will my child always have the same therapist?
The relationship between a child, their family, and their therapist(s) is an important part of the therapy process to facilitate maximum progress. Therefore, your child will have the same therapist on a weekly basis. Sometimes scheduling changes occur, typically at the request of the family, which may result in a therapist change. Occasionally, some children will see different therapists within the same discipline if attending therapy sessions more than once weekly.
+ We’re being seen at another office, but I’m not satisfied with our progress. Can we be seen at Chatterbox too?
Yes, as long as your child is not seen for the same type of therapy service on the same day. Our therapists may have to conduct their own testing; however, this is determined on a case-by-case basis.
+ Why do you have two locations?
In order to best serve the Treasure Valley community, our locations in Boise and Nampa are conveniently located to provide easy access to our therapy services. If coming to our clinics is not an option, telehealth services are available!
+ My child gets speech therapy at school, why would I come to Chatterbox?
Children benefit from school therapy as well as clinic therapy as they typically work together coordinating goal areas; however, therapy at school and in a clinic can look and feel very different. The biggest difference is that school therapy is typically provided in a small group, while therapy at our clinic is provided one-on-one. Individual therapy provides more opportunity for your child to make progress with their goals. Our therapists do their best to collaborate with your child's school team in order to coordinate the best care possible and support your child in all areas.
+ My child is in Special Ed at school, would therapy at Chatterbox help?
Many children who receive special education services at school, also benefit from individualized therapy at Chatterbox— this is based on areas of need. With permission, Chatterbox obtains the eligibility and most current IEP from school in order to best support the child's goals.
+ What is the Chatterbox Learning Academy?
Our Learning Academy is targeted for school aged children who are smart, but struggling in school. We treat a variety of students with or without diagnoses of learning disabilities including Dyslexia, auditory processing disorders, and more by determining and fixing the root cause(s) of the struggles and remediating academics as well.
+ Do parents/caregivers participate in therapy? Can I go back with my child?
Parents/caregivers are welcome to observe and/or participate in the therapy process to the level of their comfort. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to participate in therapy sessions when possible in order to learn carry over strategies to practice at home. Practicing your child's skills learned in therapy at home and in daily ife is very functional and beneficial to their progress.
+ Is there homework with therapy?
Yes! Your child's therapist will give you a strategy to try at home or a worksheet for practice, depending on the skill area(s) that are being targeted. Consistent home practice, even for 5 minutes daily, is beneficial to your child's progress towards their goals.
+ Can I bring my other children with me to therapy appointments?
Siblings are welcome at the clinic- they will love the play area in our waiting rooms! If the parent wants to observe their child's session, it is recommended to leave siblings at home in order to provide your child a focused and calm optimal learning environment in their session.